• Five Reasons Why Matchmaking Is Better Than Online Dating

    In today’s fast-paced world, online dating seems a quick solution to the arduous task of looking for love. But the ‘easiness’ of online dating also leaves it wide open for scammers, catfish and dangerous criminals to take advantage of users.

    Luckily, there’s another, more fruitful way to get dates. Matchmaking services have many benefits. Here are just a few:

    1. Better vetting

    no more sifting through tonnes of inappropriate profiles... many of which are huge misrepresentations. A matchmaker will do the hard work and give you a heavily vetted list of partners who tick all the right boxes.

    2. Save time (and emotions)

    more appropriate dates will mean less stress and less wasted time. In our hectic modern lives, taking an evening out for a date is a significant time commitment. Don’t waste any more evenings on misguided dates.

    3. Get feedback

    we all know those post-date nerves, but with a matchmaker you’re not alone. Gain a better understanding of these murky, beginning stages of a relationship with the support of a matchmaker.

    4. Proactive support

    matchmakers can make you feel in control of your dating life, again. Find out what you’re really looking for by talking it through with someone who understands the process better than anyone.

    5. It’s safer

    amid recent stories about Tinder-related crimes, matchmaking agencies are proud to put safety first. Say goodbye to meeting, and sharing your details with, anonymous people. Get full background info on every date you meet.

    If online dating isn’t a match for you, try Avenues Dating – a specialist matchmaking service for the over 50s that takes away all of the issues associated with today’s rapid-fire, swipe left/right culture.

    Contact Avenues