• 5 Things To Improve Your Life If You're 50+

    Kick starting your life as an empty nester

    In your fifties or sixties, sometimes there is a lack of enthusiasm and zest in your life some days, which can happen for various reasons. For some, it is loneliness; and for others, it could be related to health issues or concerns. This does not mean you need to stop enjoying yourself. For many people, life starts again in their fifties, when the kids are off your hands and you achieve the status of 'empty nester'. If that's the case for you too then perhaps here at Avenues Dating we may be able to change your outlook. Here are the five things you should do every day to improve your life if you're over 50.

    1.Indulge in Physical Exercise

    There is no right or wrong age to start exercising. Indulging in physical exercise will keep your mind occupied, and there are many health benefits too. This also gives you a routine to follow every day. In the beginning, you may feel lethargic about it but after a week or so, you may well find yourself addicted to your new routine, it can be as simple as a 15 minute walk. You see people, you are out in the fresh air. If you're still working take 15 mins at lunch time to stretch your legs and talk to people. It can work wonders.

    2.Join in

    Very often we give the idea of joining a club a thought, yes and it's that second thought that stops you. There are several clubs ideal for 50+ people, these clubs believe it or not are made up of people just like you. Its about sharing common interests, or activities and now the later lifer's are just that, having a life. Joining in and having new experiences in life .... remember fun? Avenues Dating is all about you and quality introductions to others that take into account your interests and lifestyles. One of the joys of finding a new partner is that they may actually share the interests that you have developed over the years. In my experience couples who have been together for a very long time have developed separate interests, which is fine when you are younger and busy, but as we slow down a little it is such a pleasure to be able to share simple activities together. So joining Avenues and meeting new people of a similar background can help enormously.

    3. Meditate

    Some will be unfamiliar with this process, even feel a little guilty for taking time out but meditation is a rejuvenating experience. Meditation clears your mind of all clutter and also keeps your thoughts fresh. It also makes you a mentally stronger person. Once you start meditating, you will find a vast difference in your thought process; it also increases positivity and has positive effects on your personal confidence. Guided meditation CD's or downloads are freely available, if you search on one of the popular search engines.

    4. Learn something new each day

    At 50+ the memory can start giving way and maybe you have experienced this already. You can develop new interests like learning a new language, or following a recipe, you could learn to sketch or find a craft that suits your talents, or simply read about current world issues in your favourite paper. These hobbies help to improve memory power consistently. It's true what they say if you don't use it you lose it.

    5. Try something new every day

    Try doing something new every day. Whether taking the bus to a new neighbourhood you've never been before, have a go at creative writing or just trying a new recipe, it will really recharge your batteries and in turn your life. It gives you new things to talk about, in case you find it difficult to have conversations, your new experiences will help you broaden your perspective and maybe even change the way you see things. You'll meet new people, you'll hear about new ideas and new opportunities will open up for you. Meeting new people, making new friends is not only for the young. We are an ageing population and if relationships end for what ever reason we need to get out there and forge new friends and build new relations. Want to talk, well call us. Maybe you haven't thought about meeting new friends or developing new relationships before? But these days dating and meeting new people has never been more popular in later life. We are a company, where customer service and care still matters, where integrity, value for money and transparency are our watchwords, so contact Avenues Dating today on freephone [0333 253 3588](tel:0333 253 3588) or email us at info@avenuesdating.co.uk. We’re waiting to hear from you and are always happy to chat about our service without obligation.

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